Through our work assisting families with a wide range of estate planning and other legal issues, we have gained an intimate familiarity with the processes required to establish a guardianship over an infirm or elderly adult. If you need the legal authority to make decisions for a loved one who cannot make them on his or her own, contact us for cost-effective counsel and representation. Our LGBTQ+ attorneys handle all types of estate planning cases in PA & NJ including adult guardianships. Please connect with our firm now for a free consultation.
Pennsylvania LGBTQ Attorneys Familiar With The Process
We regularly appear on behalf of petitioners in guardianship matters. With our assistance, you can be secure knowing that the guardianship process will be handled appropriately. We know how to draft the necessary documents. We know how to present your case to the Orphan’s Court in order to procure the most beneficial guardianship order. Even in a seemingly simple, straightforward guardianship case, a competent, experienced attorney will help you be sure that no mistakes are made that might delay or disrupt the process. Our experience and focus on your needs enable navigation of the sometimes complex and intimidating processes with maximum efficiency and affordability. Contact our LGBTQ estate planning attorneys with your questions and concerns about adult guardianships in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Courts Grant Full & Limited Guardianships
Most family members caring for a disabled adult seek full guardianship, but they may also choose to petition for a limited guardianship. Depending on your situation, you can receive guardianship authority specific to:
• Property decisions, such as those involving real estate, bank accounts and other financial assets
• Health care decisions, including those about physical treatments, therapy and medications
Regardless of the type of petition you file, the Court will appoint an Attorney Ad Litem: an independent attorney appointed to represent the disabled person.
Establishing An Adult Guardianship Over An Unwilling Person
While some guardianship proceedings are routine and straightforward problems can still arise. Often, an elderly person will not want someone else – even a loving family member – taking over their decisions. If this elderly person is capable of speaking up against the guardianship petition, you as the petitioner may have to convince the Court of your position. The Attorney Ad Litem, representing the disabled person, does not simply “rubber stamp” the guardianship. The Ad Litem is required to look after the disabled person’s best interests, and if not convinced of the need for a guardianship, the Ad Litem may argue against the Court granting your petition.
Completing the steps from petition to the grant of guardianship is intricate enough. Don’t be left alone if you are forced to defend your position before the Court. You’re seeking a guardianship because you care for the disabled person and want to see him or her safe and well cared for. Call or email our firm today to let us protect that interest and guide you through this process.
Our gay friendly lawyers are experienced in various matters of LGBTQ Estate Planning and Litigation throughout Pennsylvania & New Jersey.