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The state of Arizona has a gay and LGBT population of around 200,000 which equgay arizona attorneys ates to 4% of the total population. AZ also has some very gay friendly laws as gay marriage has been legal there since October 7, 2014. With the legalization of gay marriage comes a need for Arizona attorneys handling gay divorces, name changes, estate planning and other areas of law related to LGBT rights. If you are facing any type of legal issue in Arizona please contact our gay Arizona attorneys for a free case analysis.

Our Arizona LGBT lawyers are now taking all case types such as car accidents, bankruptcy, DUI defense, drug crimes, discrimination, estate planning, wills, trusts, slip and falls, sexual assault, work accidents, medical negligence, gay divorce, LGBT adoptions and child custody cases.

The Phoenix, AZ LGBT attorneys on our staff are members of the gay and LGBT community so they approach all cases with a different perspective. Being gay themselves gives them an edge over other lawyers in that they have first hand knowledge of all Arizona laws impacting the gay community and will do whatever is necessary to obtain the best possible outcome for you regardless of case type.

With offices throughout AZ they serve the Tucson, Phoenix, Mesa, areas.