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Non-biological parental rights

When the U.S. Supreme Court passed marriage equality in 2015, LGBTQ citizens and their allies rejoiced. But it did not mean full equality in the eyes of the law. There are still questions surrounding LGBTQ civil rights, particularly around children. These questions...

Postnuptial Agreements Gain Favor Among LGBTQ Couples

Most people are familiar with pre-marital agreements, designed to protect individuals entering a legal marriage. LGBTQ individuals find themselves in an interesting position as it relates to pre-marital agreements because of the staggered way in which marriage...

COLOR | Angela Giampolo

After the SCOTUS ruling on marriage equality last week, there have been many celebrations (and rightly so), but there’s also a sense of “what’s next?” that’s beginning to come into play. With some states still resistant to handing out marriage licences and political...