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Elder Abuse

elder abuse There are numerous retirement homes and nursing homes throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey that cater to LGBTQ senior citizens who require around-the-clock care due to advanced age, disability or illness. Because of the proliferation of such places, it’s not uncommon for one to be concerned with the potential of nursing home abuse, abandonment, neglect, negligence and general mistreatment.

Those with aging parents look to these facilities to provide quality care for their loved ones. It therefore comes as a shock when families learn that their loved ones are being mistreated by those charged with providing this care. Elder abuse, if left unchecked, may lead to physical symptoms, depression, and even early death. It is therefore your responsibility as a family member or guardian to be vigilant at all times to ensure that nursing homes are offering the best level of care.

Residents of nursing homes can be physically abused, emotionally abused, or even sexually abused. Victims of nursing home abuse are usually unable to fight back, given their physical and mental frailty. At the same time, these individuals are often threatened with violence and expulsion periodically, which makes it that much harder for them to speak out.

Signs indicating nursing home neglect and abuse include:

  • Frequent complaints from the victim stating that they’re not being taken care of well (first and most obvious sign).
  • Unexplained mood changes.
  • Unexplained body bumps and bruises.
  • Reports of incontinence which was not a previous concern. Incontinence may be caused by stress.
  • Passive, emotionless of withdrawn behavior.
  • Dehydration.
  • Refusing to eat or participate in daily nursing home activities.
  • Confusion, disorientation and hesitation to talk openly.
  • Lack of personal items and a less-than-pleasant living environment.
  • Bed sores or other lesions.

It’s important to pay attention to your loved one’s demeanor whenever you visit them or talk to them.  You should also take note of their personal hygiene as well as the condition of their room.  Additionally, you can examine their skin to see whether they have bruises, welts, bedsores or other wounds which look like they might have been inflicted by another person or the result of neglect. The most important thing you can do is to listen to them and take all abuse complaints seriously.

Perhaps the nursing home allowed your loved one to leave the premises unattended (also called elopement). An especially damaging form of injury caused by nursing home neglect is referred to as “contractures.” Contractures occur when the normally elastic & flexible skeletal muscle tissue attached to the bone is replaced by rigid tissue due to immobility.

One little-known fact about Pennsylvania is that the State passed a law specifically granting you the right to install a hidden camera in a nursing home. There are a few rules to follow, but I strongly encourage all of you out there to take advantage of this. Sadly, nothing prevents nursing home abuse better than when caregivers know that they’re being recorded.

Contact Our LGBTQ Elder Abuse Attorneys

Our gay Pennsylvania nursing home abuse attorneys have dealt with many elder abuse cases in NJ & PA, and we would like to help you seek justice against those who’ve caused harm to someone you love. Taking legal action may help your family obtain justice as well as the compensation they deserve, and more importantly, will prevent these people from preying on the elderly ever again.

You can connect with our New Jersey nursing home abuse lawyers serving the gay and LGBTQIA communities anytime any time of the day for a free over-the-phone consultation. You can also reach us via website chat or email if you prefer. If we can help you, we’ll do so on contingency so that you never risk a penny of your own money.

If you would like additional information on nursing home abuse, be sure to check out our free reports on the warning signs of nursing home abuse, as well as a nursing home resident’s Bill of Rights.