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August 27


06:00 pm - 09:00 pm

Event Category:

August, Emerge Wellness

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Emerge Wellness

1221 Locust St Suite 205, Philadelphia, PA 19107

Philadelphia, PA, US, 19107

di-VISION Collaborative Divorce Seminar

Are you considering the dissolution of your relationship? This can be especially daunting for the LGBT community. The di-VISION Collaborative Divorce professionals can help you learn how to make it a little easier.

Collaborative Divorce is a mutually beneficial way of resolving relationship disputes that avoids the litigiousness of court. The goal in a collaborative divorce is to problem solve and negotiate towards a resolution that works best for everyone. Our di-VISION professionals will provide you with legal, financial, and therapeutic information to approach the dissolution of your relationship as a problem-solver.

In the di-VISION Collaborative Divorce Workshop each of our professionals will spend some time discussing with you challenges, and strategies to overcome them, in each of their areas of expertise. Many of the topics will overlap and that is why we take pride in the collaboration between our professionals to give you a full picture of how to approach your collaborative dissolution