Oct 30, 2014 | Civil Rights, Corporate Law, DOMA, Financial Planning, Legal Intelligencer, LGBT Law, Philadelphia Gay News, Philly Gay Lawyer Media, Same Sex Marriage, Uncategorized
What does it mean to be married? How is it different? Join Giampolo Law Group on November 18th from 6-9pm for an information session on what living in a post-DOMA world means for you and your family. The event is being hosted by 1352 Lofts in Philadelphia! Come...
Oct 29, 2014 | Civil Rights, Corporate Law, DOMA, Financial Planning, Legal Intelligencer, LGBT Law, Philadelphia Gay News, Philly Gay Lawyer Media, Same Sex Marriage, Uncategorized
On November 6th join myself and Ryan Fuller at The Cub Room in New Hope for an informative LGBT seminar to learn what living in a Post-DOMA world means for you and your family. Enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres and great company while we discuss the progress that has...
Apr 16, 2014 | Civil Rights, Corporate Law, DOMA, Legal Intelligencer, LGBT Law, Philly Gay Lawyer Media, Transgender Issues
The legal landscape for LGBT people today is quickly changing and hard to predict, but the trend over the last few years has been overwhelmingly positive—from the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning the federal Defense of Marriage Act and California’s...
Sep 15, 2013 | Corporate Law
This past February, less than two years after the America Invents Act (AIA), the first piece of legislation on the Patents in sixty years, President Obama commented that efforts at patent reform “only went about halfway” . In June, Obama took action and announced his...
Mar 27, 2013 | Civil Rights, Corporate Law, DOMA, LGBT Law
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as a federal law that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman; its existence prevents same-sex couples from being legally recognized as married by the federal government and enjoying more than 1,138 federal rights. The...
Aug 1, 2011 | Civil Rights, Corporate Law, LGBT Law
The Impact of Dodd-Frank 342 on Diversity in the Financial Services Industry Though the equality divide seems to be inching closed with the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and other protective enactments, provisions are continuously being made to seal the gap. These...